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happy 1/2 birthday

GreyMatter concrete is now 6 months old….To pat ourselves on the back and reflect upon this mini journey of Architectural Visual Concrete remedial work and consultation, here’s a list of projects we have undertaken and continue to undertake.

• Greenwich University School of Architecture

Architect: Heneghan Peng

Main Contractor: Osbourne

GreyMatter employed by Foundation Developments Ltd.

Fair faced concrete repair to insitu walls and columns.

Project complete.

• Watergate Farm

Architect: James Gorst

Main Contractor: Kingerlee

GreyMatter employed by Kingerlee.

Fair faced concrete repair to external wall and cantilevered soffit.

Project complete.

• Lancaster University Engineering building

Architect: John McAslan + Partners

Main Contractor: Eric Wright Construction Ltd.

GreyMatter employed by Eric Wright Construction Ltd.

Benchmark sample repairs to on site mock up.

Project ongoing.

• Whitworth Art Galley

Architect: MUMA

Main Contractor: ISG Plc

GreyMatter employed by ISG Plc.

Sample benchmark repairs and first phase repairs to insitu columns and fair faced soffits.

Project ongoing.

• Royal College of Art Dyson Building (Phase 2)

Architect: Haworth Tompkins

Main Contractor: Vinci

GreyMatter employed by Vinci

Benchmark samples and fair faced concrete repair works to insitu walls and columns.

Project ongoing.

• Manor Farm

Architect: Bere Architects

Main contractor: Sandwood

GreyMatter employed by Sandwood

Benchmark samples and repairs to in situ fair faced concrete walls, columns, soffits and staircase.

Project ongoing.

• John Lewis Staircase, York

Concrete contractor: Lazenby

GreyMatter employed by Lazenby

In situ architectural concrete repairs to fair faced staircase.

Project complete.

• Turnmill commercial office development

Architect: Piercy & Co.

Main Contractor: McLaren

GreyMatter employed by McLaren

In situ visual concrete benchmark sample repairs to stair cores. Consultation of remedial works strategy.

Project ongoing

• Walmer Road residential development

Architect: Peter Salter/Mole

Contractor/Client: Shaw Interiors

GreyMatter employed by Shaw Interiors

Benchmark sample repairs to in situ visual concrete walls and soffits.

Project ongoing


CPD’s ‘Handcrafted in situ concrete’, ‘Introduction to specifying Visual Concrete Works’ and ‘Integrated Post Finishing in Visual Concrete Works’ have been delivered to the following organisations:

Ellis Williams Architects

Price & Myers Engineers

AR Design Studio

Belsize Architects

Introduction to Architectural Visual Concrete’ seminars continue at Portsmouth University in association with PAD Studio.

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