fair faced concrete consultancy
GreyMatter concrete provides a model of consultancy designed to achieve the highest standard of Architectural Visual Concrete. This service specifically supports Architects in RIBA design work stages with further assistance with on site procurement of in situ fair-faced Architectural Concrete works.
Design Stage consultation includes:
Input in the formwork specification so as to produce the best possible surface finish.
Reviewing of specific design details in relation to formwork construction.
Assistance in drawing up placement, finishing, striking and post finishing method statements.
Construction and procurement consultation involves a site-managed, hands on practical consultation with the contractor.
This service encompasses:
Assistance in the production of on site sample work.
On site support with in situ Architectural works.
Undertaking any post finishing required.
Carrying out any Architectural Concrete Repair work in order to achieve practical completion.
Facilitating fluid communication between Client, Architect and Contractor.
For further details on consultancy work please select the relevant download below.